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Pure Buffalo Ghee (Pouch)


Experience the rich and authentic taste of our Pure Buffalo Ghee from Modern Foods! Made from pure buffalo milk and carefully crafted to perfection, our ghee is the perfect addition to your cooking, baking, and healthy diet.

Weight: 500 gms


Our Pure Buffalo Ghee is made using traditional methods, which involves slowly simmering buffalo milk until the water and milk solids separate from the pure butterfat. The result is a pure, golden ghee with a rich and distinctive flavor. It is also rich in healthy fats and essential vitamins, making it a nutritious and flavorful choice for cooking and baking.

At Modern Foods, we are committed to using only the highest quality ingredients.

We also take great care to ensure the safety and purity of our ghee, which is made in a clean and hygienic environment.

Whether you use it to fry, sauté, or as a spread for bread, our Pure Buffalo Ghee is a versatile and delicious choice that will add richness and depth of flavor to your dishes. So why not try Modern Foods Pure Buffalo Ghee today and enjoy the rich and authentic taste of this traditional ingredient?


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