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Fresh Mawa (Khoya)


Made with the highest quality milk and slow-cooked to perfection, our mawa is the perfect addition to your favorite Indian sweets and desserts.

Weight: 250 gms

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Our Fresh Mawa (Khoya) is made using traditional techniques that have been perfected over time, ensuring its authentic flavor and texture. It is also packed with nutrients, including protein, calcium, and essential vitamins, making it a healthy and delicious addition to your diet.

At Modern Foods, we are committed to using only the freshest ingredients.

We also take great care to ensure the safety and freshness of our mawa, which is made in a clean and hygienic environment.

Whether you use it to make classic Indian sweets such as gulab jamun or barfi, or to add richness to your favorite dessert recipes, our Fresh Mawa is a versatile and indulgent choice that will elevate your dishes to the next level. So why not treat yourself to the rich, creamy taste of Modern Foods Fresh Mawa today?


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